Watercolour Mandala


For this project I used:

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Download the Outline

Download A Basic Mandala Grid

Click the button below to download a basic grid you can use for drawing or painting mandalas for free. Choose the pale grey and print it straight onto watercolour paper or print the black onto copy paper and transfer the outline to your watercolour paper using carbon paper, pencil transfer or by using a light source like a light box. See my video on how to do this if you’re stuck!

Downloads are for personal use only. Please do not sell any work based on my artwork and please credit me if you post work online that you’ve made from following this tutorial or using this line work.

Video Tutorial on Youtube!

I look forward to seeing your interpretations of this project!

if you post your work on instagram, tag me @louracheldavis and I’ll see them, and share them in my stories!