Works on Paper
Original Paintings and Handmade Prints.
Lou creates original geometric abstract works on paper using watercolour, ink, gold leaf and printmaking techniques. Visit the online store for available works.
Paint with me: Art for Good
YouTube Theme for 2025
- In 2025 I’m exploring the idea of art as a force for good. I’m starting with the benefits of art for mental health. Behind the scenes I’m reading up on art practice in mindfulness and the benefits of art for producing flow.
- Find joy and peace in simple, meditative art projects that you can join in with whatever your experience.
- I’ll be sharing prompts for simple patterns you can draw and paint to give you starting points for making art a part of your life, whether you’re using it to relieve stress and anxiety or simply to have fun!
- Find long form videos, tutorials and projects on YouTube and short time-lapse videos on Instagram.

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Join my Pattern Drawing Community on Ko-fi!
Each month on Ko-fi, I share an exclusive video for donating supporters sharing how to construct and paint different patterns. I’m covering Celtic knots, tiling patterns, geometric patterns and historic patterns.
If you love the free videos I make for YouTube and want to develop your skills with compass and ruler construction, come and join our very friendly community!
In person workshops with the Arienas Collective
Learn to print or paint with me in a small home setting, in Edinburgh’s beautiful New Town.
You can learn to screen print with me, including a special workshop on how to screen print using gold leaf to take your prints to the next level!
You can also join me for watercolour for relaxation workshops where I introduce you to the magic of watercolour and its benefits for calm creativity.
Or join me to make your own gel printing plate and we spend a few hours playing with all the possibilities for printing with very accessible supplies.
Check for upcoming dates, find out more about other collective artists’ workshops and make your booking through the Arienas Collective.